







  My Lucky



Pandora's Box  |  Animal Kingdom


The ferocious appearance of the mandrill is misleading.
By nature, it is quite peaceable and social.  The brilliant coloring
of the male's face distinguishes it from the plainer female.


Active by day in the dense rainforests of western
and central Africa, the mandrill is one of the largest
of the ground-dwelling baboons.  Only the adult
males have the brilliant coloration that
has made the species so well known.



Like other species of baboon, mandrills are sociable animals, living in groups which may number from fifteen to 200 members.  Each group contains at least one adult male, five or more adult females, and their young.  Some males live alone, which indicates the likelihood of rivalry between adult males for the leadership of groups.

Mandrills spend most of the day foraging in the forest for food.  While foraging, the animals keep in verbal contact with one another by making grunting and crowing sounds.  They also alert one another to possible predators, such as leopards or snakes.

At intervals during the day, the group will rest.  Adults groom each other while the young play.




The dominant male has access to all the females in his harem, and he is most likely to father offspring.  He mates randomly with the females when they are in estrus.  During estrus, the female's sex organs become swollen, indicating that she is ready to mate.

A single young is born 7 months later.  It suckles the mother's milk and travels everywhere with her, clinging tightly to her chest.  Gradually, the young mandrill will begin to explore its surroundings.

Female mandrills usually remain in the group into which they were born, but as the young males reach maturity, they must often leave the group.


A female mandrill suckles her offspring.  Within
hours of its birth, the young mandrill can cling
tightly to its mother's chest.  As the young grow
older, they play together, which is how they learn
the skills they will need to survive in later life.



Mandrills eat fruits, leaves, roots, seeds, insects, eggs, and small animals.  Led by the adult males, they begin foraging for food after daybreak.  They find much of their food on the ground under stones and among vegetation.

Fruit trees are another source of food for the mandrill.  Large groups of mandrills, together with other species of monkey, will converge on the trees and feed on the fruit.  Within their home range, mandrills are alert to the seasonal sources of food.

The mandrill is adept at foraging for food because its fingers work in a coordinated fashion.  The mandrill can dig, sort, prepare food, and transfer it to its mouth.



  The mandrill is the largest of all monkeys.

  The mandrill's reputation for ferocity is exaggerated.  When a mandrill bares its teeth, it is not threatening to attack, but rather showing a submissive behavior.

  Mandrills sometimes feed on items that other monkeys have dropped from the trees.

  Mandrills walk on their fingers and toes, so that the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet do not touch the ground.

  A group of mandrills typically roams over 5 miles a day while foraging for food.  Their actual range may cover as much as 20 square miles.




Group:    Mammals
Order:    Primates
Family:   Cercopithecidae
Genus & Species:  Mandrillus sphinx



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